Information from Bessie Matthews in our meeting today Oct 11, 2023:
1. No increase in current insurance premiums.
2. Open enrollment will be Nov 1 - 15.
3. Only change to insurance coverage is the pharmacy coverage which will be with Cigna beginning Jan 1, 2024. At this time the only pharmacy that will not accept their coverage is Kroger. Cigna is still in negotiations with them and when they reach agreement, we will be notified so Kroger can be used if so desired. The crossover should be fairly smooth. Information from CVS/Caremark will be electronically sent over to them. You might want to alert your doctor that this change will be happening and you might require new prescriptions be sent to Cigna.
4. There will be a letter sent to retirees that explains any and all changes that we will need to be aware of.
5. If you are having trouble obtaining specific medicine(s) prescribed by your doctor, you can call insurance and ask for an override authorization letter for pharmacy to accept prescription for brand or a particular medicine that your doctor has prescribed for you. Override letter is good for 1 year.
6. Life insurance amount for each retiree depends on the amount of pension received at time of retirement. Insurance would be the yearly amount at that time.
7. We also discussed having not only a beneficiary on your life insurance but a contingent listed in case both retiree and spouse happened to pass away at the same time. This would be much easier than having it have to go to Probate.
8. Funeral homes do take payment on assignment and person claiming insurance would have to have the Death Certificate and ID (driver's license) to apply for the payment at the office of Insurance Dept downtown.
9. Discussion of converting life insurance to an annuity took place. You have to be age 60 in order to do this. In this process your life insurance payout drops to half. You get a payment on the 15th check for amount the formula allows (usually around $100-$200 each month). This amount is then monthly deducted from the balance of your insurance amount left. Example:
Insurance payout is $60,000. Cash in would drop this amount to $30,000. Each monthly annuity payment to retiree deducts that amount from this $30,000. If you outlive all of this amount left each month, you will continue to receive the annuity payment on the 15th paycheck. You would end up with only $2000 in life insurance payout at time of death.
10. Bessie Matthews cell no is 901-549-2960 if you need help. She will be of assistance to us as well as anyone in the Insurance/Pension departments. If you call her, she will investigate and get back to you. It might take some time but she is who we all call, so depending on volume will dictate time needed to solve a problem.
11. During this time of year we are all hit with calls, mail, advertisements regarding different health coverage. Be advised that if you happen to choose to try another coverage from MLGW, you cannot come back to MLGW coverage. So all of the Medicare Advantage Plans are off the table.
12. Lastly, Wade advised that there is an bill (HR22) that has been brought up which would eliminate the Windfall Tax Act. This Act reduces or nullifies Social Security payments if you receive a government pension. This HR22 would then allow SS payments to increase if you have been affected by the Windfall Tax Act. The REA-MLGW Board will keep their eyes on the passage of the HR22 bill. It is only in committee at this time.
Listed below are the dates for the REA general membership meetings in 2025. Some of these meetings are not on our typical second Wednesday of the month because of scheduling issues with the meeting room at the Library. All meetings begin at 11:00 AM at the Benjamin Hooks Central Library.
Please note there is no meeting currently scheduled for March. This is due to the meeting room not being available. If this changes, we will inform the membership. Also, there is no meeting in September due to the REA Picnic.